INTRODUCING ... York College Men's Cross Country And Track & Field Senior Andrew Friesema

INTRODUCING ... York College Men's Cross Country And Track & Field Senior Andrew Friesema

York College senior Andrew Friesema, this week's CAC INTRODUCING ... featured student-athlete, is a four-year standout and 2010-11 captain for the Spartans' cross country and track & field teams.

What is your background in the sport you play?  I began running my junior year of high school because I was told by my one of my teachers, who was one of the track coaches, that I would probably like it. I was playing basketball at the time and was my only sport, but I decided to give it a shot and run cross country and then I followed that with track and field. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but it turned out to become a huge passion and love of mine.  I found not only success in (running), but it taught me a lot about myself such as my physical capabilities, mental strengths and how to overcome hurdles not only on the track but in life. I found myself running at Pennsylvania District Three championships for cross country and track & field.  In my senior year, I decided that I wanted to pursue this further because I felt I had a lot of potential untapped and I needed to find out what else I could do in the sport. Before I graduated  high school, I finished 7th in the Lancaster-Lebanon League Championships in the 800 meter run.   I was very excited because it was my first true season of training. My teammates and I qualified for the 4x800 meter relay to go to district championships and we missed qualifying for the state championships by one place.  But the experience and competition made me so excited for the competition I would run against in college. Since then I have seen a lot of transformation of myself as a runner and as a person here at YCP.  I have enjoyed every moment running with my teammates at practices and at meets, and I am sad to be in my last season.  I wish I had more to go, yet I will make my year the most memorable.

What is your favorite spot on campus?   The track at the Grumbacher (complex) is a pretty cool place. But the best spot is up on Reservoir Hill, with the view from up top and doing intervals up there is always a fun place to go. Also, it’s a great place to take your girlfriend to check out the view!

Other than your team, what organization (s) do you participate in?  I’m on York College Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC).   Christmas In The Community is a really fun time and really cool to do for the community. I try to get out to Intervarsity when I can but I haven’t been so successful lately. Honestly, being the captain on the cross country and track & field teams, I put a lot of effort into that because it’s what I  love.

Briefly describe the most memorable experience during your collegiate athletic career.  I have experienced some amazing races throughout my four years here, but the one that comes to mind was at NCAA regionals in 2009 when I ran my PR (personal record) against some of the best runners in the country and just missed top 100 regional runner list. But the most memorable experience was driving 4 hours from Philadelphia where I was in the ICU of Penn Hospital with my dad, who was in a seduced coma after experiencing cardiac arrest the day before my race. I stayed up all night hanging out there with his family (step mom and sister) and then was told by the doctors that he wouldn’t be out of his coma for 3 more days that I should go back to school and take care of stuff. My grandma and dad’s wife encouraged me to go to the meet down at Goucher because my dad would want me to run for him. So I did. I drove down, ran the most physically and emotionally draining race of my life and “PRed” on the track for a 5K. Yet the most incredible part was having everyone cheer me on and clap for all 12.5 laps. I have to say, That’s A Team!

What is the most important societal issue facing college students?  I see the breakup of relationship’s among families and college students to be the most important issue we are dealing with to date. I find this to be the most important issue because I experienced seeing my family breakup due to divorce among my parents through my college years and have seen a lot of friend’s families go through it, too.  It is very hard to deal with and overcome as a college student, especially with where we are in our lives. When college students have to put their lives on hold to deal with something of that magnitude it really is hard thing to overcome and it is only prayer, hope and time that is the healer of those hurts. With that said, I hope that college students also not take for granted their family because a lot of college students just forget where they came from and don’t want anything to do with their home life.  The next thing you know, you don’t have one. Always remember to tell your parents you love them!

If you could change any one item in the world (in your personal life, school, community, amateur or professional sports, national/international issue, etc.), what would it be, why, and how would you do it?  I would change the way they do the College Football BCS Championship Series format…haha joking, but it does stink seeing Boise St. not make it to the national title game.

What is your major in college, and what is the most important thing you learned in that discipline?   I’m majoring in finance at York, and the most important thing I’ve learned is that I do not like taxation.  I don’t mind doing an IPS for Dr. Jim Forjan, but even more so I learned that there are so many things you can do with finance compared to other majors because of its diverse area of studies. In addition, at YCP, students experience a broad range of businesses classes in to get a broader perspective.

Other than your family members, who was the most influential person in your life?  As a child, I followed the famous Michael “Air” Jordan.  I wore Chicago Bulls clothing everyday. I have all his highlight videos and championship games. I would buy “Haines” underwear because he wore them. Jordan had to overcome not making his high school’s varsity team his sophomore year because he was so small and just not talented basketball player. He came back the next year after he bulked up from hours in the weight room, shooting stroke pure from shooting workouts, he grew 5 inches, was able to dunk and finally dominated on the court from there on out. Since a little kid I have used his example to push me beyond my limits to be the best I can be and know I gave everything I had.

If you could give one piece of advice to elementary school children, what would that advice be?   Love your family, love your friends, love being a kid…enjoy this life because you will only be a kid once!

What is your favorite form of entertainment?  I enjoy watching college football and basketball because it’s the purest in its sport. It is all about winning and team and representing your school.

Outside of the Capital Athletic Conference, who or what is your favorite sports person or team?  I’m a big Philly teams fan…aka Phillies, Flyers. But who I follow the most are Villanova basketball and Penn State football teams.  I’ve been to many games at PSU and the experiences and tailgating with 110,000 people is awesome. When I was in high school, we had a four-hour practice session with the Villanova basketball team and head coach Jay Wright.  That was just an awesome experience which obviously would make you want to follow them and root them on.

Name three (3) people, real or fictional, living or dead, that you'd like to have dinner with?   Michael Jordan, Lance Armstrong, and God. I chose these three specific people because of many reasons.
For Michael Jordan, he was my childhood idol and I admire him very much for his accomplishments and what he has be able to do with his life. I know even MJ has had some mishaps in his life, and gone through struggles and so I see him as an admirable person in that. I know conversations at the dinner table would be very inspiring, talking about his last second shots of big games and what happened behind the scenes in locker rooms when the real MJ comes out.
Lance Armstrong would be so cool to talk to at the dinner table about his thoughts when climbing up the Alps and the Pyrenees mountains, going on to accomplishing something no other biker ever has (Tour de France championships), let alone the feat of beating cancer and returning to racing. I have a lot of respect for the man.
Finally, Jesus Christ at my table would be so cool to have. Yet, I know I would find myself sitting there thinking, I have so many questions where to start right? I think I would have him bless the meal and then just begin conversation because I wouldn’t know where to begin asking him questions.