INTRODUCING ... Mary Washington Senior Distance Runner Sean Healy

INTRODUCING ... Mary Washington Senior Distance Runner Sean Healy

The University of Mary Washington men’s cross country team, annually among the elite squads in the CAC, hope to take another run at a conference title in 2012.  Senior roommates Sean Healy and Matt Shaughnessy will lead a veteran contingent in the chase for the title, first tomorrow in a CAC preview meet, then for real on Oct. 27, at Maplehurst C.C. in Frostburg, Md.   Today, Sean Healy is the CAC’s featured INTRODUCING … student-athlete.

Briefly, what is your background in the sport you play?   I started running track my sophomore year in high school after the high school coach Dustin Sweeney recruited me to run during a JV basketball practice.  I had no real interest in running in before that, but after my first couple of meets I was hooked and running has become my lifestyle now.

What is your major in college, and what is the most important thing you learned in that discipline?   I’m a Geography major with a focus in Human Geography.  The most important thing I’ve learned in my discipline is just how much cultures were shaped just by where they were located.  In the present day, you can pretty much control your environment.  But back when civilization was just taking shape, what you could do was determined almost entirely by what the geographic conditions were where you lived.

What is your favorite spot on campus?   My favorite spot on campus is by far the benches out in front of Lee Hall. Its right in the middle of campus and my friends and I meet on those benches to eat hang out or just people watch. 

Outside of your home and campus, where is your favorite place visit?   My favorite place to visit would probably be Erie. N.Y., because it’s where my aunt, uncle, grandpa and some of my cousins still live.  It’s great to get up there and stay with family especially during football season because we all root for different teams and it makes Sundays really fun.

Other than your team, what organization (s) do you participate in (on campus or off campus)?   I don’t really have any other organizations besides my team, but I do like to play pickup basketball games with the club basketball team. I love basketball and getting out there and playing once or twice a week feels really good to break the monotony of just running all the time.

Briefly describe the most memorable experience during your collegiate athletic career.   My most memorable moment during my collegiate career was during the conference track meet my sophomore year in the 10k.  I was in third and right with the second place runner until the final 200m when I started my kick, it was the best feeling in the world to pull away, get second place and all-conference honors.

What is the most important societal issue facing college students?   I don’t think there’s really just one thing that college students face that could be considered more important than another.  It all really depends on the person.  For me, I’d have to say it’s drugs.  When you go off to college, you’re outside your parents influence for the first time and it’s really easy to get carried away with something like drugs because you’re on your own for the first time.

If you could change any one item in the world (in your personal life, school, community, amateur or professional sports, national/international issue, etc.), what would it be, why, and how would you do it?   If I could change one thing it would be the ridiculous amounts that professional athletes are paid.  It’s gotten really out of hand lately with the amount of money they receive.  They get to play a game they love for a job, but when someone who can throw a football for a touchdown is getting paid more than someone who can do open heart surgery, there’s a problem.

Other than your family members, who was the most influential person in your life?   The most influential person in my life other than my parents is definitely my high school track coach Dustin Sweeney.  He got me into running and convinced me to keep doing it after high school.  Without him, I wouldn’t be doing the thing I live most now and the entire arc of my life would be different from the day he convinced me to run track. 

What is your favorite form of entertainment?   My favorite form of entertainment would have to be Xbox.  My roommate and teammate, Matt Shaughnessy, have lived together going on 2 years now and we play Halo Reach endlessly.  Video games are just a great way to turn your brain off for a while and pretend you’re killing aliens or saving the world – ha ha. 

What is your favorite source of information (TV, book, magazine, website, friends in dining hall, etc.)?   The internet is where I get all of my information.  I mostly surf on sports sites and try and get the inside scoop on all my favorite teams and just what going on in sports in general.

If you could give one piece of advice to elementary school children, what would that advice be?   Eat healthy and be active.  I’d tell them that good habits start early and if they want to be the best person they can be, it starts with a healthy lifestyle.  Signing up for rec league sports is a good way to stay in shape, and even just going out and playing on a playground for a while is a great way to stay in shape. 

Outside of the Capital Athletic Conference, who or what is your favorite sports person or team?   The Indianapolis Colts are my favorite team.  I like basketball as a sport more, but when it comes to the Colts, I’m more of a fanatic.  I lived in Indiana before Virginia, and naturally latched on to the home team as a child, and my love for the team has only grown since then.  They’re going through a rough patch right now but real fans stick by their teams no matter what.

Name three (3) people, real or fictional, living or dead, that you'd like to have dinner with?    The 3 people I’d like to have dinner with are Reggie Miller, Steve Prefontaine and J. R.R Tolkein. Reggie Miller because he is my favorite basketball player from my favorite team - the Indiana Pacers.  Steve Prefontaine because he is the greatest and most influential runner of all time.  J R.R Tolkein because a gigantic nerd and I think that The Lord of the Rings world is the most intricate fictional creation ever and meeting the person who wrote my favorite books would be awesome.