INTRODUCING ... Mary Washington Freshman Swimmer Robin Brazier

INTRODUCING ... Mary Washington Freshman Swimmer Robin Brazier

Mary Washington freshman swimmer Robin Brazier, this week’s INTRODUCING … featured student-athlete, is hoping to make an impact during her life – not just in the pool for the Eagles, but on society throughout the world.  Check it out!

Briefly, what is your background in the sport you play?  I’ve been swimming competitively since I was eight years old.  I was on a club team for 6 years, until I graduated from high school.  I was also a member of my high school swim team for 4 years, and was a captain my senior year.

What is your major in college, and what is the most important thing you learned in that discipline?   I’m currently an undecided major, but I am leaning towards majoring in Geography.  This discipline has taught me about the differing cultures of various peoples all over the world.  This is incredibly important because it allows you to see the actions/beliefs of others in their cultural contexts, and you are therefore able to understand them more.  This discipline also teaches tolerance.

What is your favorite spot on campus?   My favorite spot on campus would be Ball Circle.  It’s really relaxing to sit out on the lawn and read or chat with friends.

Outside of your home and campus, where is your favorite place visit?    I love traveling out west to Montana and Wyoming.  It’s so beautiful out there, and I feel at one with nature once I’ve climbed to the top of the Rocky Mountains or sitting by a quiet glacial lake.

Other than your team, what organization (s) do you participate in (on campus or off campus)?  I’m a member of the UMW chapter of Invisible Children, an organization that fundraises money and creates awareness for the children affected by a long-lasting war in Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, and the Central African Republic.

Briefly describe the most memorable experience during your collegiate athletic career.   My collegiate athletic career has not been very long, but my favorite memory is swimming at the Gettysburg Invitational this year.  There was a lot of fast swimming and it was really exciting!

What is the most important societal issue facing college students?   I think the most important societal issue is whatever issue each individual finds important and is willing to invest him or herself in.  Whether it’s in human rights, immigration, or environmental problems, every person can find an issue they are passionate about.  The self-gratification coming from contributing to something outside of yourself is enough to make any societal issue important to a college student.

If you could change any one item in the world (in your personal life, school, community, amateur or professional sports, national/international issue, etc.), what would it be, why, and how would you do it?   I would change the rapid increase of human population.  I know this sounds strange at first, but this is a problem that is affecting so many aspects of our lives.  Increased human population is having detrimental effects on the environment because resources are becoming limited.  On top of that, it makes people in less developed countries even poorer.  In my opinion, this problem can be fixed primarily by increasing women’s rights across the world.  If women have more rights, then they will be allowed to be educated, particularly on family planning.  On top of that, they will be able to have careers that will not involve primarily having children.

Other than your family members, who was the most influential person in your life?   One of my teachers, Sara Cranford, positively influenced my life.  She was my AP Human Geography teacher my senior year of high school.  She was such an amazing teacher and I learned so much about the world in that class because of her.  Because she was such an incredible teacher, I was able to discover the area of study that I am passionate about – learning how the different cultures of the world interact and affect the environment.

What is your favorite form of entertainment?   I live and breathe music.  It’s beautiful and can send any message or express any emotion.  Singing along is my way of venting and expressing myself.

What is your favorite source of information (TV, book, magazine, website, friends in dining hall, etc.)?  Believe it or not, I find out most of my information on Facebook.  Everyone posts about world events there!  But my favorite source of information is probably a newspaper because it’s more reliable and it gives me information on all topics.

If you could give one piece of advice to elementary school children, what would that advice be?  I would tell elementary school children to simply be themselves.  Be proud of who you are and do what makes you happy.

Outside of the Capital Athletic Conference, who or what is your favorite sports person or team?   The United States National Women’s soccer team is my favorite sports team.  Those women are incredibly talented and they work together great as a team, but they’re so underrated by the American public.

Name three (3) people, real or fictional, living or dead, that you'd like to have dinner with?  
Ellen DeGeneres – she is a very caring, genuine person, not to mention she never fails to make me laugh!
Vanessa Carlton – she is an incredible, wise musician who inspires me with her music.
Jimmy Stewart – he was such a talented, handsome gentlemen, and I love all of the movies during his career, like It’s A Wonderful Life!