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INTRODUCING ... York College Distance Standout Craig Eppler

INTRODUCING ... York College Distance Standout Craig Eppler

York College distance runner Craig Eppler has All-CAC recognition and four team championships on his resume.  He also boasts a quest for life success that includes proper time and money management, sufficient thirst-quenchers for studying and post-run enjoyment, and a drive for new adventures.  INTRODUCING … Craig Eppler.

Briefly, what is your background in the sport you play?   My father ran both cross country and track in college and introduced me to track and field at the tender age of five. I ran various road races and track meets before running competitively in cross country in 7th grade at Northampton Middle School, continuing on to track and cross country at Northampton High School.

What is your major in college, and what is the most important thing you learned in that discipline?   I am currently a Masters of Business Administration candidate with a finance focus. During my undergraduate studies at YCP, I majored in finance and minored in accounting. The most important thing that I have learned is to budget time as you would budget money. You must spend every minute wisely. 

What is your favorite spot on campus?   My favorite spot on campus is the M.B.A. Lounge in the Willman Business Center. It is a great place to study for an upcoming exam or complete a project while networking with other M.B.A. students. But the real reason it is my favorite place on campus is the unlimited free coffee.

Outside of your home and campus, where is your favorite place visit?   As a finance major, I am naturally fascinated with the finance capital of the world, New York City. After completing an internship at an investment management firm in the summer of 2013, I have visited various areas in Manhattan numerous times. I enjoy the opportunity, the culture, and the fast-paced environment the city provides. The energy and excitement there is palpable.

Other than your team, what organization (s) do you participate in (on campus or off campus)?  As an undergraduate, I tutored in calculus and finance. I was also a member of Enactus, a business club on campus.

Briefly describe the most memorable experience during your collegiate athletic career.   My most memorable experience occurred during my senior year cross country season in the fall of 2013. Our York team won CACs for the third straight season.  Beyond winning as a team, I ran a personal best time in the 8K by 44 seconds, placing seventh overall and earning a first team all-conference spot. Additionally, two of my best friends and teammates, Wil Murray and Connor Simpson, were right there with me, finishing sixth and eighth, respectively, which made the victory even sweeter. 

Other than your family members, who was the most influential person in your life?   I must give this distinction to two people, Dr. Jim Forjan and Coach Andrew Friesema. Dr. Jim Forjan has been influential in the classroom, sparking my interest in the finance discipline while providing me with excellent one-on-one guidance as my academic advisor. The great Andrew Friesema was on the cross country team my freshman year at YCP, and has continued as a model of the determination and consistency that is crucial in distance running as both an athlete and coach.  

If you could change any one item in the world (in your personal life, school, community, amateur or professional sports, national/international issue, etc.), what would it be, why, and how would you do it?   The Grumbacher Sport and Fitness Center at YCP is a great facility for student athletes but is missing one important feature: a smoothie bar. Throughout my athletic career, I have been thirsty for a smoothie after a workout at least 100 times. As an alumnus, I plan to bring this issue to the college’s attention so that future students can benefit from this tasty snack.  

What is your favorite form of entertainment?   My favorite form of entertainment is traveling, seeing how other people live and experiencing what other regions of the world have to offer. Whether it’s snowmobiling in upstate New York, learning to surf in San Diego, Calif., or four-wheeling through the Puerto Rican rainforest, I am always up for a new adventure.

If you could give one piece of advice to elementary school children, what would that advice be?   As boring as it may be, start investing in the stock market as young as possible. I bought my first stock in high school and have watched my investments grow through solid dividend returns. Do not underestimate the power of compound interest.

Outside of the CAC, who or what is your favorite sports person or team?   My home town of Bethlehem, Pa., was home to the Pennsylvania ValleyDawgs from 1999 to 2006. As a fan of small-town sports, I enjoyed going to many of their games as a youth. Additionally, their coach, Darryl Dawkins, one of the great NBA players in the 1980s, always signed autographs after the game.

Name three (3) people, real or fictional, living or dead, that you'd like to have dinner with?   
John Stockton – The most underrated player in NBA history. Mr. Stockton is the NBA’s all-time leader in both assists and steals and was part of “dream team” in the Olympics.
Harvey Spector – Lead character in USA’s hit show, Suits. Harvey Spector displays a confidence (bordering on arrogance) in his work and personal life that makes for entertaining TV drama.
George Soros – Hedge fund guru and investing icon. George Soros has been one of the top hedge fund managers for years and I would enjoy picking his brain.