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INTRODUCING ... Stevenson Men's Cross Country Captain Josh Michael

INTRODUCING ...  Stevenson Men's Cross Country Captain Josh Michael

This week’s INTRODUCING … featured student-athlete is Stevenson University senior men’s cross country standout Josh Michael.  A transfer from York College, Michael is a team captain for a resurgent program that posted a team score in its first meet of the season – the first time that has happened since 2007.

What is your background in the sport you play?  I ran a “Turkey Trot Mile” in 8th grade and was told by my math teacher Mr. Matt Wright, who was the local high school Cross Country coach, that I should come try it when I got to high school. I had no clue how to run or what exactly ‘Cross Country’ was, but I tried it anyways. I ran my first race as a freshman completely oblivious on how to pace, but I wound up beating one of the seniors. So I stuck with it and the rest is history.

What is your favorite spot on campus?  My room is my favorite place on campus because I have it all to myself since I’m a RA and its huge!

Other than your team, what organization (s) do you participate in?  I am a Resident Assistant, I work the information desk at our Ratcliffe Community Center and I am a Freshman Seminar Instructor. Off campus, I am a certified Mason Dixon Baseball Umpire for the state of Maryland.

Briefly describe the most memorable experience during your collegiate athletic career.  I am a transfer from York College of PA and, at the end of my freshman year, a couple of the guys and I competed in a “Chocolate Milk Mile.” (feel free to YouTube it). Let’s just say that was something I will never forget.

What is the most important societal issue facing college students?  I feel that many college students, including myself, are worried about loans and finding a decent paying job after graduation to pay off those loans.

If you could change any one item in the world (in your personal life, school, community, amateur or professional sports, national/international issue, etc.), what would it be, why, and how would you do it?  If I could change one item, it would have to be to start running at a younger age and learn what I know about the sport way earlier in my career. 

What is your major in college, and what is the most important thing you learned in that discipline?   My major is Business Information Systems. The most important thing I have learned is the fact that, “it’s who you know, is where you’ll go.” I have learned to network with different people I meet and get my foot in every door possible. I believe this applies to all majors, not just mine.

Other than your family members, who was the most influential person in your life?   Outside my family, my first high school coach, Mr. Wright, has been the most influential. He was the sole person that got me into the sport and although he moved out of the state before I graduated high school, he has still followed me and my times. He and I still keep somewhat in touch on Facebook.

If you could give one piece of advice to elementary school children, what would that advice be?  Even if you haven’t heard of something or aren’t really interested in it, just give it a shot. Who knows where it may take you.

What is your favorite form of entertainment?  I enjoy Comedy. Hands down, I love to make people laugh and love to laugh. Although most of my jokes are corny and slightly unorthodox, my friends and I can still find a way to laugh at them, even if we are just laughing at my stupidity.

Outside of the Capital Athletic Conference, who or what is your favorite sports person or team?  I am a diehard Ravens fan! End of story.

Name three (3) people, real or fictional, living or dead, that you'd like to have dinner with?   I’d like to have dinner with Steve Prefontanie because hopefully at least half of his motivation would rub off on me if I was lucky. “Something inside of me just said 'Hey, wait a minute, I want to beat him,' and I just took off.” – Steve Prefontanie.
I’d like to have dinner with Mila Kunis simply for the fact I would not hesitate to propose to her.
I’d like to have dinner with Ray Lewis because I love to talk football and who better than a diehard Ravens player.