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INTRODUCING ... York College Senior All-CAC Men's Distance Runner Connor Simpson

INTRODUCING ... York College Senior All-CAC Men's Distance Runner Connor Simpson

If the York College men's cross country team is to win its fourth-straight CAC championship in 2014, senior Connor Simpson and his best friends will again be integral ingredients to that success.   As a historian, Simpson appreciates the sacrifices made for success.  As an athlete, the two-time CAC all-star takes pride in his love for running and never gives up.  INTRODUCING … Connor Simpson.

Briefly, what is your background in the sport you play?   I have run cross country and track & field since I was a freshman at William Tennent High School in Warminster, Pa. (2006).

What is your major in college, and what is the most important thing you learned in that discipline?   My major is history with a minor in geography.  The most important thing that I have learned through my studies is to be diligent in research and to take pride in doing what you love.  I believe that I have transitioned this to my running quite well

What is your favorite spot on campus?   My favorite spot on campus has to be the track locker room.  The environment that our team has built is a very positive one, almost like a family.  We are able to be ourselves and be comfortable while getting serious work done on the track.

Outside of your home and campus, where is your favorite place visit?   As a history major, I love visiting the National Military Park at Gettysburg Battlefield.  I really enjoy the scenery and find a deep appreciation for the sacrifice that so many men made there to preserve our country.

Briefly describe the most memorable experience during your collegiate athletic career.   Without a doubt, it was winning CACs last year in Cross Country for the third straight season.  Although I had earned all conference before, the 2013 title was so much better for a few reasons.  I ran a personal best time in the 8K, I placed eighth overall securing a first team all-conference spot and, most importantly, my two best friends Craig Eppler and Wil Murray were right there finishing sixth and seventh (respectively).  We were so proud of our season and our finish line celebration it is absolutely one of my fondest memories.

Other than your family members, who was the most influential person in your life?   Coach Stephen Lobianco.  He works very hard to help us to get in shape to win the conference.  He will be the first to tell you ultimately it is up to us to run well, but he really has more to do with our success than people would think.  He spends countless hours reviewing workouts and runs, while adjusting his schedule to fit our needs.  He is someone that we all aspire to be like as adults.

What is your favorite form of entertainment?   Live music! I love going to live shows and watching bands play in raw form.  You really get a feel for the artists' true intentions of a song when you witness them play it live.  There is nothing like being on top of a wild crowd surfing through a sea of hands just to get on stage in order to jump right back in.
If you could give one piece of advice to elementary school children, what would that advice be?   Do not let anyone drag you down or extinguish your dreams.  Ever since I was little, I was told there would be nothing in the job market for me as a historian.  However after my internships and earning my degree from York College this coming December, I feel confident knowing I can pursue my passion for historical archaeology.  No matter what, do what you love above all else and don't ever give up.
Outside of the CAC, who or what is your favorite sports person or team?   I would go with the obvious choice of (former YCP distance running All-American) Tim Hartung … But outside of the CAC, I am a Philadelphian so naturally I am a Flyer Fanatic.  Everything about them.  They are a hard hitting deep team that grinds out their seasons to get wins.  A lot of times they seem a bit "rag tag" but they get the job done with successful seasons.  Much like our team.  My favorite athletes are Vincent Lecavalier (Philadelphia Flyers) and Galen Rupp (Nike Running).
Name three (3) people, real or fictional, living or dead, that you'd like to have dinner with?  

Wil Murray - current roommate/teammate/best friend.  Always a good dinner date and always down to grill.  Although he never pays when we go out, he is fun to carry a conversation with and is good for ice cream and mini golf afterwards.

Warren Zevon - I pick Warren because he is my favorite musician of all time.  He seemed like the kind of a guy who would take you out to dinner at six and you would not return home for a month.  Always game for pretty much anything.

Louis C.K. - Louis C.K. is my favorite comedian.  I feel like if I ate dinner with him, I would not be able to eat anything for risk of choking from laughing so hard.