Washington College at Salisbury
@ Salisbury, Md. (Maggs PAC)
9/25/2013 at 7:00 PM

Final 1 2 3 4 Score
Washington College (7-5) 25 10 13 10 1
Salisbury (16-2) 15 25 25 25 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th
WC -- 1st -- SAL
  SAL starters: Mattie Smith; Julie Poston; Nikki Binetti; Tam Weems; Kacey Franz; Katie Stouffer; libero Michelle Meehan.  
  WC starters: Jess Daunoras; Caitlin Cooney; Alexis Jordan; Lauren White; Kristin Lee; Sarah Beresik; libero Audrey Utchen.  
1-0 [Audrey Utchen] Kill by Caitlin Cooney. Point WC
[Audrey Utchen] Service error. Point SAL 1-1
2-1 [Michelle Meehan] Attack error by Michelle Meehan. Point WC
[Alexis Jordan] Kill by Tam Weems (from Kacey Franz). Point SAL 2-2
  SAL subs: Kirby Buttry; Gretchen Vandermeer.  
3-2 [Gretchen Vandermeer] Kill by Caitlin Cooney (from Lauren White). Point WC
  WC subs: Rachel Baker.  
4-2 [Rachel Baker] Bad set by Gretchen Vandermeer. Point WC
5-2 [Rachel Baker] Kill by Kristin Lee (from Rachel Baker). Point WC
6-2 [Rachel Baker] Attack error by Kirby Buttry. Point WC
7-2 [Rachel Baker] Attack error by Mattie Smith. Point WC
  Timeout Salisbury.  
8-2 [Rachel Baker] Ball handling error by Gretchen Vandermeer. Point WC
9-2 [Rachel Baker] Attack error by Mattie Smith. Point WC
10-2 [Rachel Baker] Kill by Jess Daunoras. Point WC
  SAL subs: Shannon Russell.  
[Rachel Baker] Bad set by Lauren White. Point SAL 10-3
  SAL subs: Jess Tallant; Katie Stouffer.  
11-3 [Jess Tallant] Kill by Jess Daunoras (from Lauren White). Point WC
12-3 [Jess Daunoras] Kill by Kristin Lee (from Lauren White). Point WC
13-3 [Jess Daunoras] Attack error by Katie Stouffer. Point WC
[Jess Daunoras] Ball handling error by Alexis Jordan. Point SAL 13-4
14-4 [Tam Weems] Kill by Kristin Lee (from Audrey Utchen). Point WC
15-4 [Lauren White] Kill by Alexis Jordan (from Lauren White). Point WC
[Lauren White] Kill by Katie Stouffer (from Jess Tallant), block error by Alexis Jordan. Point SAL 15-5
  SAL subs: Kacey Franz; Julie Poston.  
[Kacey Franz] Attack error by Alexis Jordan (block by Nikki Binetti; Julie Poston). Point SAL 15-6
[Kacey Franz] Attack error by Kristin Lee. Point SAL 15-7
[Kacey Franz] Kill by Katie Stouffer (from Kacey Franz), block error by Alexis Jordan. Point SAL 15-8
[Kacey Franz] Attack error by Alexis Jordan. Point SAL 15-9
16-9 [Kacey Franz] Ball handling error by Nikki Binetti. Point WC
  WC subs: Caitlin Cooney.  
[Kristin Lee] Kill by Katie Stouffer (from Kacey Franz). Point SAL 16-10
  SAL subs: Mattie Smith.  
17-10 [Katie Stouffer] Ball handling error by Michelle Meehan. Point WC
[Audrey Utchen] Kill by Mattie Smith (from Kacey Franz). Point SAL 17-11
18-11 [Michelle Meehan] Kill by Jess Daunoras (from Lauren White), block error by Mattie Smith. Point WC
19-11 [Alexis Jordan] Bad set by Kacey Franz. Point WC
20-11 [Alexis Jordan] Attack error by Julie Poston. Point WC
  Timeout Salisbury.  
[Alexis Jordan] Kill by Mattie Smith (from Kacey Franz). Point SAL 20-12
  SAL subs: Kirby Buttry; Gretchen Vandermeer.  
[Gretchen Vandermeer] Attack error by Caitlin Cooney. Point SAL 20-13
21-13 [Gretchen Vandermeer] Kill by Jess Daunoras (from Lauren White). Point WC
  WC subs: Rachel Baker.  
22-13 [Rachel Baker] Kill by, block error by Tam Weems. Point WC
[Rachel Baker] Attack error by Kristin Lee (block by Tam Weems; Kirby Buttry). Point SAL 22-14
  SAL subs: Jess Tallant.  
23-14 [Jess Tallant] Kill by Jess Daunoras (from Lauren White). Point WC
[Jess Daunoras] Kill by Katie Stouffer (from Gretchen Vandermeer). Point SAL 23-15
24-15 [Tam Weems] Attack error by Katie Stouffer (block by Lauren White; Sarah Beresik). Point WC
25-15 [Lauren White] Kill by Kristin Lee (from Audrey Utchen). Point WC
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WC -- 2nd -- SAL
  WC starters: Jess Daunoras; Caitlin Cooney; Alexis Jordan; Sarah Beresik; Kristin Lee; Lauren White; libero Audrey Utchen.  
  SAL starters: Mattie Smith; Julie Poston; Kacey Franz; Nikki Binetti; Tam Weems; Shannon Russell; libero Michelle Meehan.  
[Shannon Russell] Attack error by Alexis Jordan. Point SAL 0-1
[Shannon Russell] Kill by Julie Poston (from Kacey Franz). Point SAL 0-2
[Shannon Russell] Service ace (Kristin Lee). Point SAL 0-3
1-3 [Shannon Russell] Kill by Caitlin Cooney (from Lauren White). Point WC
[Alexis Jordan] Attack error by Caitlin Cooney (block by Nikki Binetti; Julie Poston). Point SAL 1-4
[Michelle Meehan] Bad set by Lauren White. Point SAL 1-5
2-5 [Michelle Meehan] Kill by Jess Daunoras (from Lauren White). Point WC
  WC subs: Rachel Baker.  
[Rachel Baker] Kill by Mattie Smith (from Kacey Franz). Point SAL 2-6
  SAL subs: Kirby Buttry; Gretchen Vandermeer.  
3-6 [Gretchen Vandermeer] Ball handling error by Gretchen Vandermeer. Point WC
[Jess Daunoras] Kill by Tam Weems (from Gretchen Vandermeer). Point SAL 3-7
  SAL subs: Jess Tallant; Katie Stouffer.  
[Jess Tallant] Attack error by Kristin Lee (block by Kirby Buttry). Point SAL 3-8
  Timeout Washington College.  
4-8 [Jess Tallant] Attack error by Kirby Buttry (block by Sarah Beresik; Kristin Lee). Point WC
[Lauren White] Attack error by Alexis Jordan. Point SAL 4-9
5-9 [Tam Weems] Attack error by Kirby Buttry. Point WC
  WC subs: Caitlin Cooney.  
6-9 [Kristin Lee] Service ace (Jess Tallant). Point WC
[Kristin Lee] Kill by Nikki Binetti (from Gretchen Vandermeer). Point SAL 6-10
  SAL subs: Kacey Franz; Julie Poston.  
[Kacey Franz] Attack error by Alexis Jordan. Point SAL 6-11
[Kacey Franz] Kill by Katie Stouffer (from Kacey Franz). Point SAL 6-12
7-12 [Kacey Franz] Kill by Caitlin Cooney (from Lauren White). Point WC
[Audrey Utchen] Service error. Point SAL 7-13
  SAL subs: Mattie Smith; Shannon Russell.  
[Shannon Russell] Kill by Mattie Smith (from Kacey Franz). Point SAL 7-14
[Shannon Russell] Service ace (Caitlin Cooney). Point SAL 7-15
  Timeout Washington College.  
8-15 [Shannon Russell] Attack error by Julie Poston. Point WC
[Alexis Jordan] Kill by Kacey Franz (from Michelle Meehan). Point SAL 8-16
[Michelle Meehan] Kill by Mattie Smith (from Kacey Franz). Point SAL 8-17
9-17 [Michelle Meehan] Kill by Caitlin Cooney (from Lauren White). Point WC
  WC subs: Rachel Baker.  
10-17 [Rachel Baker] Ball handling error by Mattie Smith. Point WC
[Rachel Baker] Kill by Kacey Franz. Point SAL 10-18
  SAL subs: Kirby Buttry; Gretchen Vandermeer.  
[Gretchen Vandermeer] Kill by Mattie Smith (from Gretchen Vandermeer). Point SAL 10-19
[Gretchen Vandermeer] Kill by Mattie Smith (from Gretchen Vandermeer). Point SAL 10-20
[Gretchen Vandermeer] Service ace (Audrey Utchen). Point SAL 10-21
[Gretchen Vandermeer] Attack error by Jess Daunoras (block by Mattie Smith; Tam Weems). Point SAL 10-22
[Gretchen Vandermeer] Kill by Tam Weems (from Gretchen Vandermeer). Point SAL 10-23
[Gretchen Vandermeer] Kill by Mattie Smith (from Gretchen Vandermeer). Point SAL 10-24
[Gretchen Vandermeer] Bad set by Lauren White. Point SAL 10-25
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WC -- 3rd -- SAL
  WC starters: Jess Daunoras; Rachel Baker; Alexis Jordan; Lauren White; Kristin Lee; Sarah Beresik; libero Audrey Utchen.  
  SAL starters: Tam Weems; Mattie Smith; Julie Poston; Kacey Franz; Nikki Binetti; Shannon Russell; libero Michelle Meehan.  
1-0 [Rachel Baker] Service ace (Michelle Meehan). Point WC
[Rachel Baker] Kill by Mattie Smith (from Kacey Franz). Point SAL 1-1
[Michelle Meehan] Attack error by Kristin Lee. Point SAL 1-2
[Michelle Meehan] Service ace (Kristin Lee). Point SAL 1-3
[Michelle Meehan] Attack error by Kristin Lee (block by Julie Poston; Tam Weems). Point SAL 1-4
[Michelle Meehan] Kill by Tam Weems (from Kacey Franz). Point SAL 1-5
[Michelle Meehan] Kill by Kacey Franz (from Michelle Meehan). Point SAL 1-6
[Michelle Meehan] Attack error by Kristin Lee. Point SAL 1-7
[Michelle Meehan] Kill by Mattie Smith (from Kacey Franz). Point SAL 1-8
[Michelle Meehan] Service ace (Audrey Utchen). Point SAL 1-9
[Michelle Meehan] Attack error by Jess Daunoras (block by Tam Weems; Mattie Smith). Point SAL 1-10
[Michelle Meehan] Kill by Mattie Smith (from Michelle Meehan). Point SAL 1-11
[Michelle Meehan] Attack error by Kristin Lee (block by Julie Poston; Tam Weems). Point SAL 1-12
  Timeout Washington College.  
2-12 [Michelle Meehan] Kill by Jess Daunoras. Point WC
[Lauren White] Kill by Mattie Smith (from Kacey Franz). Point SAL 2-13
  SAL subs: Kirby Buttry; Gretchen Vandermeer.  
[Gretchen Vandermeer] Kill by Kirby Buttry (from Gretchen Vandermeer). Point SAL 2-14
3-14 [Gretchen Vandermeer] Attack error by Mattie Smith. Point WC
  WC subs: Caitlin Cooney.  
4-14 [Jess Daunoras] Ball handling error by Gretchen Vandermeer. Point WC
[Jess Daunoras] Kill by Tam Weems (from Gretchen Vandermeer). Point SAL 4-15
  SAL subs: Jess Tallant; Katie Stouffer.  
[Jess Tallant] Bad set by Lauren White. Point SAL 4-16
[Jess Tallant] Kill by Katie Stouffer (from Gretchen Vandermeer). Point SAL 4-17
5-17 [Jess Tallant] Kill by Kristin Lee (from Lauren White). Point WC
6-17 [Kristin Lee] Attack error by Kirby Buttry (block by Caitlin Cooney). Point WC
[Kristin Lee] Kill by Katie Stouffer (from Gretchen Vandermeer). Point SAL 6-18
[Tam Weems] Service ace (Sarah Beresik). Point SAL 6-19
7-19 [Tam Weems] Kill by Caitlin Cooney (from Lauren White). Point WC
8-19 [Alexis Jordan] Service ace (Kirby Buttry). Point WC
[Alexis Jordan] Kill by Kirby Buttry (from Gretchen Vandermeer). Point SAL 8-20
  SAL subs: Kacey Franz; Julie Poston.  
9-20 [Kacey Franz] Ball handling error by Kacey Franz. Point WC
[Audrey Utchen] Kill by Katie Stouffer (from Michelle Meehan). Point SAL 9-21
  SAL subs: Mattie Smith; Shannon Russell.  
[Shannon Russell] Attack error by Kristin Lee. Point SAL 9-22
  SAL subs: Colleen White.  
10-22 [Shannon Russell] Kill by Caitlin Cooney (from Audrey Utchen). Point WC
  WC subs: Rachel Baker.  
11-22 [Rachel Baker] Bad set by Kacey Franz. Point WC
12-22 [Rachel Baker] Attack error by Shannon Russell. Point WC
13-22 [Rachel Baker] Attack error by Colleen White. Point WC
  SAL subs: Julie Poston.  
[Rachel Baker] Kill by Mattie Smith (from Kacey Franz). Point SAL 13-23
[Michelle Meehan] Kill by Julie Poston (from Kacey Franz). Point SAL 13-24
[Michelle Meehan] Attack error by Kristin Lee. Point SAL 13-25
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WC -- 4th -- SAL
  SAL starters: Mattie Smith; Julie Poston; Tam Weems; Kacey Franz; Nikki Binetti; Shannon Russell; libero Michelle Meehan.  
  WC starters: Kristin Lee; Alexis Jordan; Lauren White; Rachel Baker; Jess Daunoras; Sarah Beresik; libero Audrey Utchen.  
[Shannon Russell] Attack error by Kristin Lee (block by Nikki Binetti; Julie Poston). Point SAL 0-1
1-1 [Shannon Russell] Kill by Jess Daunoras (from Lauren White). Point WC
2-1 [Jess Daunoras] Service ace (Shannon Russell). Point WC
[Jess Daunoras] Kill by Julie Poston (from Kacey Franz). Point SAL 2-2
[Michelle Meehan] Attack error by Kristin Lee. Point SAL 2-3
[Michelle Meehan] Kill by Mattie Smith (from Tam Weems). Point SAL 2-4
[Michelle Meehan] Kill by Julie Poston (from Kacey Franz). Point SAL 2-5
[Michelle Meehan] Attack error by Kristin Lee (block by Julie Poston; Tam Weems). Point SAL 2-6
  WC subs: Andi Folker.  
[Michelle Meehan] Kill by Mattie Smith (from Kacey Franz). Point SAL 2-7
[Michelle Meehan] Kill by Shannon Russell (from Michelle Meehan). Point SAL 2-8
[Michelle Meehan] Kill by Tam Weems (from Kacey Franz). Point SAL 2-9
  Timeout Washington College.  
3-9 [Michelle Meehan] Kill by Andi Folker (from Lauren White). Point WC
[Lauren White] Kill by Julie Poston (from Kacey Franz). Point SAL 3-10
  SAL subs: Kirby Buttry; Gretchen Vandermeer.  
[Gretchen Vandermeer] Kill by Mattie Smith (from Gretchen Vandermeer). Point SAL 3-11
[Gretchen Vandermeer] Kill by Mattie Smith. Point SAL 3-12
4-12 [Gretchen Vandermeer] Ball handling error by Gretchen Vandermeer. Point WC
  WC subs: Emily Hoyle; Caitlin Cooney.  
[Andi Folker] Kill by Mattie Smith (from Gretchen Vandermeer). Point SAL 4-13
  SAL subs: Jess Tallant; Katie Stouffer.  
[Jess Tallant] Service ace (Audrey Utchen). Point SAL 4-14
[Jess Tallant] Service ace (Audrey Utchen). Point SAL 4-15
5-15 [Jess Tallant] Service error. Point WC
6-15 [Audrey Utchen] Attack error by Katie Stouffer (block by Alexis Jordan; Jess Daunoras). Point WC
7-15 [Audrey Utchen] Service ace (Michelle Meehan). Point WC
[Audrey Utchen] Kill by Tam Weems (from Gretchen Vandermeer). Point SAL 7-16
  SAL subs: Krista Pecenka.  
[Krista Pecenka] Kill by Katie Stouffer (from Gretchen Vandermeer). Point SAL 7-17
[Krista Pecenka] Attack error by Caitlin Cooney. Point SAL 7-18
[Krista Pecenka] Service ace (Emily Hoyle). Point SAL 7-19
  SAL subs: Jordan Lawson.  
[Krista Pecenka] Service ace (Andi Folker). Point SAL 7-20
8-20 [Krista Pecenka] Ball handling error by Jess Tallant. Point WC
9-20 [Alexis Jordan] Kill by Emily Hoyle (from Alexis Jordan). Point WC
[Alexis Jordan] Kill by Nikki Binetti (from Gretchen Vandermeer). Point SAL 9-21
  SAL subs: Kacey Franz; Julie Poston.  
[Kacey Franz] Attack error by Jess Daunoras (block by Jordan Lawson; Nikki Binetti). Point SAL 9-22
10-22 [Kacey Franz] Kill by Caitlin Cooney (from Alexis Jordan). Point WC
  WC subs: Rachel Baker.  
[Rachel Baker] Service error. Point SAL 10-23
  SAL subs: Mattie Smith; Shannon Russell.  
[Shannon Russell] Bad set by Alexis Jordan. Point SAL 10-24
[Shannon Russell] Kill by Nikki Binetti (from Kacey Franz). Point SAL 10-25
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