York College Student-Athlete Advisory Committee Hosts Annual Christmas With The Community Sunday
York College Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) is hosting its annual Christmas with the Community event this Sunday, December 5, at York College’s Grumbacher Sport and Fitness Center. The event begins at 4:30 pm and will end after Santa hands out presents. Christmas with the Community will host 12 families chosen from local women’s and homeless shelters in York County. SAAC represents over 400 student athletes who compete in the 20 sports at York College.
This year, we plan to hold a “Christmas Carnival” for the children to play games, win prizes, and interact with our student athletes on a more personal level. Additionally, each team will be assigned to one of the twelve families. The athletes haved raised money to buy gifts for the families and will bring those presents to the carnival that evening.
After the carnival has commenced, Santa will present the families with their gifts and then the teams and families will have a meal together, which was donated by several local businesses. Although the evening often flies by, the memories that each student athlete walks away with will last a lifetime.
Kelly Kreamer, the York College SAAC president and a field hockey player, as well as the entire executive boad has worked diligently at creating our carnival atmosphere this year. When asked why she feels so passionate about the event, Kreamer replied, “Watching the joy on the children’s faces is a moment every student athlete will remember forever.
This event would not be possible without the help and involvement of the 400 athletes at York College. Every December, we work together to bring Christmas joy to those less fortunate because we feel it is important to give back to the community that we represent on the field each and every day. It is our hope that this event will last for years to come and continue to provide holiday cheer in the York area.”
SAAC’s advisor and York College’s softball coach Nicki Starry, is confident in a great turn out this year.
“This year, our Christmas with the Community event is guaranteed to be our biggest and best ever. We are hosting more families than we ever have had and we received more donations than ever before,” Starry said.
“The students have worked hard on creating a ‘Winter Carnival’ theme all while in the middle of their sports and academics. They deserve a ton of credit for all their hard work. We hope the families enjoy their time on campus and hope they walk away with some Spartan Green-and-White Christmas cheer.”